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HomeAndroid NewsAndroid Material Design updated with animated navigation bottom bars by Google

Android Material Design updated with animated navigation bottom bars by Google

Google is giving a lot of updates for Android Users with a newer stock OS or with a better upgrade to their official apps. In that way, we also wait for some good update request from play store or from the software update settings. The update mean by two types they are – Adding or giving additional functionality to the app or OS for the better user experience, and the second type is giving a better upgraded Material Design to the app or OS for a better user interface. In this day with a new topic, we are going to look at Google’s new update for the Material Design spec with animated bottom bars for navigation.

Android Material Design
Image Source : digitalartsonline.co.uk

Note: Developer always knows that if  the app needs to get a better rating and large quantity of app users then they need to do the best User Interface and User Experience for the apps they develop.

Also Read : Android N leaked : navigation drawer update

This new update for bottom navigation bars looks a like iOS. Even though this looks like iOS bottom navigation bars, Google still made some little different to the update which is better than the iOS navigation bar. The little difference to the bottom navigation bars is its animation effects. The animation disappears off the screen and fades to the bottom while scrolling down and the bottom navigation bar appears again while scrolling back the screen.


The bottom navigation bar has icon buttons to navigate while touching or tapping. Google also recommends doing text buttons instead of using icon buttons while developing an app as per their requirement, but they also say that the text button should not fill all the space by crowding or by using lengthy text buttons. So as you know icon buttons give a better UI and a clean look.

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Google already made this update for their official apps Google+ (navigation updates to this app helps to switch easily and quickly between communities and collections) and Google Photos (navigation update for this app helps to switch easily and quickly between albums, photos and the assistant). So it’s easy for you as a developer to have a good idea of what you need to do for playing with the newly updated Google’s material design for the bottom animated navigation bars. Just have a look at the Google’s official app and do it yourself for your apps.

Let’s look at what are the requirements you need to play with the new animated navigation bottom bars.

  • The developer should only make use of bottom navigation bars if the app has three-five top-level views, even the developer have the choice for the slide-out drawer.
  • If the developer’s app has less than three then the developer should use tabs instead of using Bottom navigation bars or slide-out drawer.
  • If the app has more than five top-level views then the developer should use a slide out drawer which is made with a hamburger button.
  • Google also says that if the developer uses bars, it should not be scrollable. And the heavy advice to the developers by Google is that they should not use both bottom navigation and tabs which will cause some confusion between the app users.
  • Desktop browsers can depict the bars instead of sidebars for the web-based

This is a great way of update from Google to easily and quickly switch between views in an app. We are not sure that the upcoming new Stock OS Android: N will have this update. I mean they may have a better update than the animated bottom navigation bars. Who know all the future, let’s wait and see what Google does to the Android: N.

We are looking forward to your lengthy comments from our The Android Mania team.

Mayur Sojitra
Mayur Sojitra is Tech geek and Full stack developer.


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